Beer... That Hoppy goodness that almost all of us enjoy on occasion. However the word "enjoy" is used very loosely in this instance. Allison and I are actually some of those weird people you meet who really do find the taste of beer enjoyable. That is...unless you're drinking some nasty ultra-light lager ( you know, the kind that just tastes like stagnant water). Yes, that's right... we're "beer-snobs". From IPA's to unfiltered, full-bodied wheat ales... we love the taste of meticulously prepared beers from different cultures. Tonight we indulged in a couple pints of "Old Speckled Hen". This is one of my favorites, seeing as how I prefer the rich, creamy ales to lagers. Straight out of England, this beer is perfect for a February evening and a good movie. I could say more but Jason Bourne is waiting for us in 46 inches of HD glory!!!
-Hope for all,
yay, i'm so glad i found your blog! i'm very happy for the both of you and pray that this new journey in your life will be filled with many blessings.
btw, i also consider myself a beer snob, my husband not so much. adam doesn't like anything by light beer, ick!
Beer...my friend in time of need.
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