I turned 23 this past weekend.
I can't quite believe how time flies these days. But, it sure is a great reminder to enjoy it & that's exactly what we did this weekend. I got my haircut by Denni ... she is an amazing woman/stylist & I highly recommend her for moral support, a listening ear, mad art skills, and genuine friendship. I've only seen her twice... that should tell you something!
Nicole Lynnette and I had bellinis and lunch at Onion Creek. It was delicious & there was a farmer's market ending right as we got there. I'll have to check it out earlier on my next Saturday off.
My super, amazing husband surprised me with a trip to at&t for an iPhone! How did I ever function properly without it. I have entered a new realm of technology that I am thrilled about. I took a picture of it (and maybe my new haircut) at Marshall's when John & I were wasting time before dinner.

We had the world's best dinner at Backstreet Cafe... and by world's best, I mean bacon wrapped quail, coffee crusted filet mignon, and a seafood sampler including a lobster tail. WOW. Sweet, sweet time.
By Sunday, the fun should have been over. I already had the best weekend... but it kept going! We met Natalie and Matt at Onion Creek (yes, this was the second time in one weekend. no judgement.) for breakfast & then had lunch at The Daily Review with my family. As Jenna would say in 30Rock, "me want food!" .... except NOT because I am stuffed from a weekend of FOOD. No mas por favor.
Such a delightful weekend & now, back to reality, as a 23 year old. yipee! Thanks for making my weekend so special and memorable friends & my love!
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